MGPS system – ICAF system

Marine Growth Prevention System

Marine fouling happens when unwanted plants, animals, and other organisms grow on surfaces. If a good Marine Growth Prevention System (MGPS) or impressed current anti-fouling system is not used, this can cause big problems for structures in the sea and boats. It can reduce performance, increase costs, and require more maintenance.

Keeper’s ICAF-MGPS anti-fouling solutions are not just top-quality, but also provide sustainable protection against marine fouling. This is especially important for ships today, as sustainability and environmental regulations are becoming more crucial for all companies.

In Europe and worldwide, groups like the European Union are focusing on the use of biocides, which are chemicals used to control organisms. It’s also essential to get copper ICAF anodes from a certified company like Keeper; otherwise, a ship’s green passport status might be affected.

Therefore, ship owners, operators, and shipyards that invest in advanced MGPS and ICAF systems will not only see better performance but will also be more prepared for stricter future regulations regarding anti-fouling systems on ships.

What is the function of an MGPS?

The purpose of MGPS (Marine Growth Prevention System) is to stop marine fouling, which happens when unwanted biological growth builds up on a surface. Without an effective MGPS system, this growth can cause big problems for structures in the sea and for water vehicles. It can hurt performance, increase costs, and require more maintenance.

What are ICAF anodes and MGPS anodes?

ICAF anodes, short for Impressed Current Anti-fouling systems, also known as MGPS anodes, short for Marine Growth Protection Systems, are used to prevent different kinds of biological growth on surfaces, such as algae and barnacles.

What is the ICAF-MGPS working principle?

Impressed current anti-fouling systems work by creating a current between copper anodes and steel plate cathodes. When the copper dissolves into the seawater, it creates conditions that stop fouling and protect the structure. The power unit makes sure the copper anodes release the right amount of copper particles into the seawater.

The main benefits of our ICAF-MGPS anti-fouling power unit include:

Automatic installation check with an alarm feature

Touch screen operation available in all main languages

Shows the remaining service life of the anodes with an alarm feature

High/low function through several digital inputs

Keeps a history of all data for years

Low voltage/short circuit detection with an alarm feature